Sponsoru Olduğumuz EE101 Introduction to Robotics with Ardunio - Haber

Sponsoru Olduğumuz EE101 Introduction to Robotics with Ardunio  
Sponsoru Olduğumuz EE101 Introduction to Robotics with Ardunio
Kaynak: http://ieee.bilkent.edu.tr/ras/en/
Tarih: 12-Aralık-2017, 14:48
Okunma sayısı: 1617

Bilkent IEEE is the first IEEE Student Branch in Turkey. 


Bilkent IEEE is the first IEEE Student Branch in Turkey. One of the sub-societies of Bilkent IEEE is RAS (Robotics and Automation Society) which was officially founded in June 6th, 2015. Previous technical societies arranged trainings such as EE101 and introduction to Arduino and constituted the fundamental profile of the society. Today, as the members of RAS, we intend to extend the scope of the trainings and built projects related with robotics and automation.

For subcommittees of RAS visit: Here!

For more information about international RAS visit: Here!

If you are curious about robots, automation systems, electronic devices, circuits and robotic software; our society is definitely for you!

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